Recent Articles

Chicago Public Schools (CPS) is getting ready to plan out the 2025 school budget, and it looks like the district[..]

Sanctuary cities are feeling the strain on their resources, and migrant homelessness is on the rise, as residents are unable[..]

Following the historic regulation recently imposed in California, which granted a $20 minimum wage for all fast food workers, advocate[..]

If you’ve got a sweet tooth, you might have noticed a changing trend in the world of chocolate. Higher prices[..]

In the realm of U.S. energy production, fossil fuels continue to play a pivotal role in driving local economies and[..]

When it comes to healthcare, the cost of medicine can vary wildly from one state to another. Why do some[..]

When it comes to healthcare, the cost of medicine can vary wildly from one state to another. Why do some[..]

Hawaii, often envisioned as a paradise, is seeing a significant number of its residents decide to relocate. Here are 19[..]

If you’re one of the hundreds of millions who shop at Walmart every week, you may be entitled to a[..]


The U.S. is poised on the brink of a major labor shift. The Biden administration is set to unveil a rule that could transform how gig economy workers are classified, impacting millions and stirring up a mix of reactions across various industries.  A Groundbreaking Rule The Biden administration is about[..]






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